Keeping Memories Alive Through the Power of the Arts
Born and raised in Italy, Celeste undertook college courses such as Anthropology, History of Music, History of Art and Literature. She obtained remarkable results while completing an internship as a museum guide at the house museum of Palazzo Sorbello, in Perugia. Celeste wrote her thesis about the importance of the bond between art and medicine, demonstrating in which way the two subjects still progress in unison. Shortly after earning a Bachelor's Degree in Cultural Heritage, Celeste traveled to Sheboygan at the end of 2018, in order to meet Gulf War Era veterans in person. She is currently an active member of the Sheboygan Visual Artists group, and still contributes with her writing and artworks to the exhibitions organized by LiberArte Perugia, the cultural group she founded in Italy with the photographer Natascia Becchetti.